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Forget Dewey and His Decimals

Posted by jintan on 7 February, 2007


PEW Internet & American Life Project berichtete 28% der Internetnutzer in Amerika haben schon mal tags benutzt, um ihren Informationen Online zu verwalten. Die Informationen sind z.B. Fotos, Videos, Nachrichten oder Posts von Blogs etc., aber was ist eigentlich die Vorteile vergleich mit DDC:

Tagging is a kind of next-stage search phenomenon a way to mark, store, and then retrieve the web content that users already found valuable and of which they want to keep track. It is, of course, more tailored to individual needs and not designed to be the all-inclusive system that Melvil Dewey tried to create with his decimal-based Scheme for cataloguing library materials.

Ganz interessant war auch die Definition von den Taggers,

  • Taggers look like classic early adopters of technology. They are more likely to be under age 40, and have higher levels of education and income.
  • Taggers are considerably more likely to have broadband connections at home, rather than dial-up connections. Men and women are equally likely to be taggers, while online minorities are a bit more likely than whites to be taggers.

via: LibrarianInBlack

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